Times really passes super quickly.
Last wednesday marks our 4th year (and more to come).
We have been through lots of ups and downs.
Quarrels and more quarrels but we manage to pass it through.
Thank you all this while for your care and listening ear(*sometimes thou)
I really do appreciate it. We have really gone thru too much unhappiness in the past but more smiles will be coming up next.
Head down to Wild honey for a short dinner.

Okay, since it was my first try. It was rather disappointing.
But apart from that the ambiance was good (:
Quiet and simple.

For whatever reason, Im just in love with such pepper turner (*Not sure whats the real name thou)

They even have magazines and books for us to read (:

Pretty plates and bowls on the walls (:
Ordered some goat cheese salad but it was really bad that I dont think its worth a shot.
But oh well, baby boy ordered their English Brekkie. But apparently it was not up to his standards too ):
Anyway, we decided to head down to the nearest Starbucks for some coffee session and some HTHT (Heart to heart talk).
Discussed abt important stuffs and what are our plans for the coming long weekends.
And did a little window shopping before heading home.
Even thou, not much time was spend out tgt but all i need was just your company.
It was not about the time, it was simply who you are (:

Thank you for everything.
Love you boy! (: